Thursday, November 9, 2023

Gros Nez Qui Sait

Good evening and welcome to my world. My name is Simpatico Braciere. I am the self-acclaimed genius behind the latest internet sensation and modern dadaism known as Sororité Recherché. A little bit about my background: I have been classically trained in critical thinking at the Mayo Clinic. Not the famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, but the Duke's Mayo Clinic in Greenville, South Carolina. They really taught me how to mix my metaphors there and also, I can make a mean batch of mayonnaise. When you read the hyper exciting text of Sororité Recherché you can see my vision shining through.

I have truly suffered for my art. Unfortunately, I didn't graduate from High School because of severe dyslexia that wasn't diagnosed until I was 25. I was forced to attend the Kathryn Kuhlman School of The Jezebel Spirit where over the course of several painful years all my bad traits were exorcised, and I became a superior intellect. That Kathryn sure knew how to perform miracles.

I am currently living at The Beat Hotel in Paris France. It has been home over the years to some of the world's great intellects of which I am one. I am actually living in the room where the great William S. Burroughs stayed while in Paris. It is such an inspiration to me and the readers of Sororité Recherché can feel the spirit of Burroughs, Ginsburg and Kerouac in my divine works. The guests at the Hotel revere me and have given me the title of "The Great Defecator" because they are so in awe of my spectacular writing skills and incredible acumen.

I am glad I was able to introduce myself to the readers of this new craze that is sweeping the nation. It is very hard being humble when I know my brain power soars well above the average reader. I can understand most people will not understand much of the material because of the eclectic content. The fact that I can at least present such exciting topics to the masses puts me on par with James Joyce, T. S. Eliot and Oscar Wilde. If anyone can spare a dollar or two, they are threatening to evict me because as you know with great intellect, it may not mean great financial rewards.