Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No No No No

A beautiful, radiant light that graced this world has been extinguished.  Her prose and poems will live on into eternity.  Our generation has and future generations will be enriched by the life of this lovely lady.  Rest in Peace Maya Angelou, in the knowledge, the world is a much better place because of you.
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I rarely ever get chills when I listen to a song.  When a song gives me chills, its special and unique.  I had the pleasure of being able to listen to Istanbul today by Morrissey.  Right from the start, I was riveted with the haunting music and the augural, fateful lyrics.  Our Moz's voice sounds wonderfully euphonious, never better!!  I listened to the song several times and each time there were chills.  This song is amoungst Moz's best.  Its a breathtaking piece of music.  We are so lucky to have Our Moz and his musical, lyrical and poetic genius.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


                                                    I wonder what my reaction will be,
                                                   When I lean into a pine box
                                                   And see the body lying there is me.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Timeless Skies

Another weekend is fading fast.  Tomorrow returns the usual grind of common life.  Time rushes by as does water over a dam.  Nothing in particular was accomplished but that is not unusual.  If being content and somewhat lazy was revered, I would be King.  As I gradually fritter my life away on mostly insignificant pursuits, I wonder who I am and what am I doing here.

The Logical Song is a very truthful look at our culture.  When I was young I was so sweet and naïve
and from the moment I first went to school, all of my innocence was trampled on and destroyed forever.  So yes, I became logical, practical, responsible, acceptable, respectable, presentable but I hope not a vegetable.  The lazier I become, the closer I move towards being a zombie.  As an attempt to battle slothfulness, I decided each evening to read an hour of poetry and prose from a different author.  Last week was Keats, Yeats, Tennyson and Baudelaire.  I found it much more entertaining than watching TV.  The words written by these 4 incredible poets are astounding and so well crafted.
I am just slightly jealous, wishing I could have the skill and genius to write such exquisite words.
I try to think how to get out of the trap I am caught in and realize there is no escape.  For one with no exceptional gifts, the only solution is acceptance of the inevitable.

I used to hold tightly to my Daddy's hand and every night kiss both parents before I went to bed.
It was in some distant land.  I remember it and sometimes I long for that feeling of comfort, warmth and love.  Something went wrong.  Am I to blame or not to blame or a little of both?  The trials and tribulations of life were rough for a naïve, innocent boy.  I truly used to be a sweet boy but that boy is long gone, replaced by logical, practical, respectable, acceptable, etc.

Time is quickly running through my fingers on its ever present march forward.   So many fragments linger of both good and bad moments.  Is the secret to remember the positives and forget the horrid?  Or maybe learn lessons from the terrible times?  Why do some people seem to skate through life without a care and others get scarred from life's experiences.  Each one seemingly tearing another small piece of the soul and slowly suffocating existence.  I will ponder these questions as I wander the timeless skies, in the alluring moments, in my snug cocoon, as I drift into the invulnerable veil of sleep.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Corybantic Times

Good times for a change.  This week starts my tennis season.  I have been longing for this moment for many months.  It was a particularly brutal winter.  We had record cold temps, it felt like it was unending.  I can't think of anything I desire more than being on the tennis court (or a Morrissey show) on a beautiful summer evening.  At that moment in time all in the world is right for me.

Ice Hockey was quite barbarous on my body this year.  I sustained a partially torn MCL and my elbow and shoulder were mangled from a vile slewfoot from another player.

Fortunately, I have survived those incidents, sore and bruised but intact and am ready to move on to tennis.  This past Friday was my last hockey game and thankfully I was comfortably numb after the game, courtesy of about 20 cans of beer.

I was trying to remember what the door mouse said but the white knight was talking backward, so I didn't know what to do.  The men on the chessboard got up and told me where go, thankfully I didn't have some kind of mushroom (I don't do drugs) so my mind wasn't moving low, just very slow.  Obviously, logic and proportion were not quite sloppy dead at that moment, so I went to bed!!!

The other piece of wonderful news is Our Moz has returned to touring.  He looks and sounds spectacular!!

The set list for the new tour is outstanding.  Ganglord, First of The Gang to Die, Asleep, Hand in Glove,  I Know its Gonna Happen Someday, Yes, I am Blind and 3 songs from his new album.  The new songs sound great.  The Bullfighter Dies is particularly good.  He is also singing The Blue Rose Society anthem, Trouble Loves Me!!  WOW!!  Moz took a Blue Rose from Devan at The Santa Ana Observatory show and wore it on his jacket!!  Of course its all just a coincidence, I must be off of my psychotropic meds.  Wait, I just got a call from Berggasse 19, Vienna,  I have been diagnosed as Maladjusted.

Yes, life has been quite corybantic lately and its a good thing.  Although I am no longer a Corybant, I am almost over Cybele banning me from her court to Pittsburgh for being a total bore.  So I can still be and plan on being corybantic frequently this summer.