Monday, October 27, 2014

My Teardrop Explodes

I think Morrissey said it best "Life is a Pigsty".  I saw a bumper sticker on my way to go running today "Pro God, Pro Life, Pro Gun".  Is that an oxymoron or what?  What kind of a creep puts a sticker like that on their car?  You have to be kidding me.  I sure can see Jesus running around with an AK-47.  There was another school shooting in Washington state last week.  How many has that been now since Columbine?  How many more kids have to die until we do something?  But we need our guns to protect us from ISIS, The Russians, The Communists, The Muslims, Sadam Hussein or whoever the next boogie man is.  I saw a tweet today on twitter "Number of deaths today in the USA from ISIS - 0, from Ebola - 0, from Guns - 86.  So yea, what is the problem?  It is sickening to me, living in a society with people who think "Pro God, Pro Life, Pro Gun" is the way.  Who think its ok to kill animals and eat them.  Who believe the bullshit, Republicans are selling them.  Be afraid, be scared, of everything!!

                                                                    Oh no, it's Bozo!!

There is seriously something squeezing my skull and my teardrop explodes.

Give me some "Sleeping Gas" NOW!!  Maybe I will wake up and I will be in a different world or in another dimension or on another plane!  My brain is turning to mush, kind of like cereal, some sleeping gas would be so ethereal.

In some brighter news, Our Moz was in Paris today.  He was photographed out and about in the city he is throwing his arms around.

                                                    I like his reflective aviator shades.

Mozza played another spectacular show at The Grand Rex.  He looks and sounds superb!

                                                             Suedehead in Paris!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Thin Line

There is such a thin line between love and hate, between sanity and insanity, between ecstasy and depression, between happiness and sadness, between brilliance and idiocy, between life and death between normal and abnormal.

 What is the difference between myself and a person in a mental hospital?  Its all a matter of perspective.  Maybe they are sane and I'm the one that's insane.  Am I close to crossing that line of sanity?

                                                               Searching for sanity?

Speaking of ecstasy and depression.  I find it best to stay grounded.  Not to get too up with the highs and not to get too down with the lows.

Life and death is a very fine line.  Life is so precious.  It can be taken away in a blink of an eye and you will never see it coming.  Live to the fullest because it can be gone in the next second.

Love and hate is an interesting proposition.  I don't hate anyone so that kind of ends this one.  Hate is useless.  It can eat one alive.  Why waste your time hating something or someone?  Find things or people you love.  Your life will be that much more fulfilling.

                                                              A Thin Line

Friday, October 24, 2014

Why Do You Come Here?

Our Moz is playing Vienna today.  He has sung "Suedehead"!  Apparently this is the first time in 10 years!  Amazing!!  I truly cherish that song.  The folks in Vienna were given a very special treat tonight by Moz.  Bravo!!

                                                          Suedehead circa 2002

Set list for Vienna

The Queen Is Dead
World Peace Is None Of Your Business
The Bullfighter Dies
Kiss Me A Lot
I'm throwing My Arms Around Paris
Earth Is the Loneliest Planet Of All
How Soon Is Now
Trouble Loves Me
Yes I Am Blind
Neal Cassady Drops Dead
Kick The Bride Down The Aisle
I’m Not A Man
Staircase At The University
Meat Is Murder
Everyday is like Sunday

                                                    The Queen is Dead - Vienna

                                                             Our Moz in all white

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Copy of a

I'm wondering, am I a copy of a copy of a copy?  I like to think I'm somewhat original but what is the truth?  Am I a mindless drone who follows whatever I'm told?  This is troubling to me this evening.  I know I'm not anything special.  True originality and creativity are probably beyond the grasp of my limited intelligence.  I know what I know, if you know what I mean.  There is no question I am different from most people.  The problem is, its not anything that really matters in the scheme of things.  Life and time goes on, unfortunately nothing changes.  The struggle continues but I do have one conclusion this evening.  I am an allusion of an illusion.

                                                                       Copy of a

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Day of Incredible Sadness

There was a terrible fire yesterday in a city near where I live.  Two Adults and four beautiful children died in the fire.  What a terrible tragedy.  Every time I think about it or see a picture of those lovely children, tears start to well up in my eyes.  I can only ask why?  Why take these treasured young lives?  What a world we live in.

                                                   Dear God, I can only ask, why?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cary Grant's on LSD

Today a new sun rises
Look in the mirror, there's no surprises

Hockey was brutal last night.  My team blew a 2 goal lead and ended up with a disappointing tie.  The Coors lite was tasty at the club, which made the night worthwhile.  I was going to play some Morrissey on the jukebox but several people monopolized the damn thing.

Meanwhile, Our Moz played a lovely concert in Bologna.  I think its kind of ironic being that Mozza is a staunch vegetarian. I know there was no baloney with Mozza at the Paladozza.

                                                      Moz is looking quite debonair

There are so many things in life I want to do, If I only had time!!

                                                                  The Godfathers

For some odd reason, listening to The Godfathers made me think of Charles Bronson.  Now he was a real "Man's Man".  I think the world is not the same since he left us.  No more Death Wish movies, no wonder the world is falling to pieces.  I think Charles Bronson could have been an enlightened despot who could have ruled the world competently.

                                                           The Evil That Men Do

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bella Roma

Our Moz has completed 2 wonderful shows in beautiful Rome.  He was out and about in the city.  Some lucky fans were able to get autographs and pictures.  Mozza looks quite dashing and healthy.
I often wonder what I would do if presented with the opportunity to meet him.  I seriously think I would be too shy to go through with actually saying hello.  I know I couldn't come up with anything to say in a short greeting that would impress upon Moz how much his music and lyrics have meant to me.  It would just come across tacky and phony.

Moz wrote "Shyness is nice, and shyness can stop you from doing all things in life you'd like to."  So true!!  Those words certainly have applied to my life and have stopped me from some experiences I have missed out on.

                                          Shyness has always been an Achilles heel of mine.

I am just "Too Shy" for my own damn good!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hockey Jock Laughing

Its that time of year.  Time for hockey season.  Friday night marked my return to the ice.  Surprisingly things went very well.    I truly love to skate.  Its one of the only things I can say I do really well.

"Big fat locker room, Hockey jock laughing."  Well, there I am in the locker room before the game and I was laughing.  Oh Morrissey, I am not a man!!  I can't help it I like to play ice hockey.  I'm not some dumb cliched jock though.  I can and do actually think for myself!!

So now I'm alone, Now I can think for myself about little deals and issues and things I just don't understand.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mad in Madrid

Our Moz is in Madrid.  An appropriate place for "The Bullfighter Dies".  Bullfighting is absolutely despicable.  I say let the Bullfighter in the ring against the bull with no sword and no picadors wounding the animal.   I highly doubt any "brave" Bullfighter would take those odds.  Mozza looks striking in black pants and red shirt!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Moz Is Back!

Our Moz is back and better than ever!  He looks stunning in all white!
Lisbon is just the start of what will be an incredible tour.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Where is My Mind?

                                                             Where is my mind?

It's still stuck in the memories of the summer.  I can't get tennis and warm weather out of my head.
Oh Fatal Nostalgia, the Selenelion is this week and I am so looking forward to seeing it!!  Such an intriguing circumstance.  A true synchronicity of time and space.  An exciting time to be alive.

Yes, where is my mind?  I'm truly not sure right now.  As Simon and Garfunkel said in the song "America", "I'm empty and aching and I don't know why".  I'd like to go look for America but it seems that maybe its not worth looking for.  With empty suits like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, the heroes of the wealthy, who fool the middle and low class idiots with mindless slogans and rhetoric.  I am very skeptical of what I would find in my search.  America can be great, the ideals of representative democracy are indeed noble.  Now, the phony politicians are bought out by the highest bidders, the greedy wealthy and the rapacious corporations.  We the people are the ones who suffer.

                                             "I'm empty and aching and I don't know why."

Where is my mind, indeed.  Tomorrow is another day.  Maybe the batteries will be recharged.  There is anticipation on reading about the Morrissey tour, even though I can't attend.  I am so happy for Moz and all of his fans who can go to see him.  It will be a true special occasion for all involved.

Beck was on Austin City Limits last night.  He played a song I never heard before called "Say Goodbye".  I have fallen in love with this song.  I think its simple yet alluring and quite elegant.
It applies to me in so many ways.  I need to "Say Goodbye" to tennis and summer and move on.
Time waits for no one.

                                                                   "Say Goodbye"

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Quo Vadis?

Where are you going?  That's the question.  The answer is quite simple, nowhere fast.  Tennis season is now officially over after last night.  Five months of Elysium and now reality sinks in.  What is there to look forward to?  Cold weather and the withering necrosis of winter.

                                         Quo Vadis?  You ask.  My answer "Nowhere Fast"

It was a great summer of tennis,  The fond memories of this past summer will keep me warm in the depth of the cruel cold.  Unfortunately for 2014 this is The End.

                                                                        The End

From every ending there is a beginning.  On that front there are 2 items.  Our Moz will be starting his new tour in Lisbon on October 6.  I wish him god speed and health for a successful tour.

                                                                   Mozza in Lisbon

Secondly, Ice Hockey season starts on Friday.  I'm not really looking forward to playing hockey.  I have no choice.  It is the progression of time.  Time does not slow down or stop.  The journey continues.  Quo Vadis?  Where are you going?  Where have you been?  I've been here, I've been there.  I've been here, there, everywhere;  here, there, nowhere.  I had a handful of this.  What did I do with it?

                                                               Where am I going?