Friday, August 14, 2020

In The Arms Of The Angel

 It is with great sadness I learned of the death of Elizabeth Dwyer, the mother of Our Moz, today. Losing a parent is one of the darkest days of anyone's life. I can only offer my deepest sympathy and condolences to Morrissey and his family. Stay strong Moz, your Mom is in the arms of the Angel and someday in the future you will be reunited again. I just hope it is a not too soon future. We need Our Moz, he is our beacon in a world that is full of darkness. 

I almost lost my mother last year. She tried to commit suicide. She was in a coma for days. I know the horrid feeling of not knowing if a loved one will live or die. It was a heart wrenching time. Fortunately she pulled through and is ok (I guess) today. This was the second time she tried to kill herself by OD'ing on pills. I live every day with the sword of damocles over my head wondering if I will get that phone call, saying your mother is dead. 

Mozza, grieve and celebrate the life of your lovely mother with family and friends. Know that there are people all over the world who are thinking about you and praying for you and your Mom. We are all with you in spirit.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ciallaíonn Máthair Gach Rud

I am very saddened to hear Our Moz's Mom, Elizabeth Dwyer,  is very ill. Life is so precious. Our Mom's are very important to us. They give unconditional love to their children from day one. I know Moz cares for and loves his Mom very much. Elizabeth will be in my thoughts and prayers that she recovers and regains her health,