Thursday, December 31, 2020

How Dare The Robins Sing

When men and women hear
Who since they went to their account
Have settled with the year! --
Paid all that life had earned
In one consummate bill,
And now, what life or death can do
Is immaterial.
Insulting is the sun
To him whose mortal light
Beguiled of immortality
Bequeaths him to the night.
Extinct be every hum
In deference to him
Whose garden wrestles with the dew,
At daybreak overcome!

Emily Dickinson

An afternoon nostalgia
Television show

I remembered you....

Friday, December 25, 2020

Love's Loneliness

"Old fathers, great-grandfathers,
Rise as kindred should.
If ever lover's loneliness
Came where you stood,
Pray that Heaven protect us
That protect your blood.

The mountain throws a shadow,
Thin is the moon's horn;
What did we remember
Under the ragged thorn?
Dread has followed longing,
And our hearts are torn."

William Butler Yeats

Friday, August 14, 2020

In The Arms Of The Angel

 It is with great sadness I learned of the death of Elizabeth Dwyer, the mother of Our Moz, today. Losing a parent is one of the darkest days of anyone's life. I can only offer my deepest sympathy and condolences to Morrissey and his family. Stay strong Moz, your Mom is in the arms of the Angel and someday in the future you will be reunited again. I just hope it is a not too soon future. We need Our Moz, he is our beacon in a world that is full of darkness. 

I almost lost my mother last year. She tried to commit suicide. She was in a coma for days. I know the horrid feeling of not knowing if a loved one will live or die. It was a heart wrenching time. Fortunately she pulled through and is ok (I guess) today. This was the second time she tried to kill herself by OD'ing on pills. I live every day with the sword of damocles over my head wondering if I will get that phone call, saying your mother is dead. 

Mozza, grieve and celebrate the life of your lovely mother with family and friends. Know that there are people all over the world who are thinking about you and praying for you and your Mom. We are all with you in spirit.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ciallaíonn Máthair Gach Rud

I am very saddened to hear Our Moz's Mom, Elizabeth Dwyer,  is very ill. Life is so precious. Our Mom's are very important to us. They give unconditional love to their children from day one. I know Moz cares for and loves his Mom very much. Elizabeth will be in my thoughts and prayers that she recovers and regains her health,

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Memories Light The Corners Of My Mind

I lived quite the sheltered life when I was a young child. I remember being loved and made to feel special. Life was magical and wonderful. Truthfully, I don't recall a whole lot from that time. I do remember a gentle, kind lady who stood out. She was my Grandmother. Her name was Marguerite, her affectionate nickname was "Moog".

She had a very difficult life. Her husband (my Grandfather) died when she was 40, leaving her to raise 3 children, one of which was my Father. He only left her a small pension so "Moog" had to find a job. She had never worked so the best she could find was a job scrubbing floors and cleaning at the County Courthouse. It was back breaking and brutal for a very low wage. She was able to raise 3 kids, run a household on a very meagre income. She was a very special lady indeed.

My Dad got married and I unfortunately came kicking and screaming into this world about a year after. We lived right down the street from "Moog". When my parents were busy she was my babysitter. I was allowed the run of her house. It was a fine old house with many nooks and crannies. I could do anything I wanted and do no wrong. She was so proud of her Grandson. As I got older, around five, she would take me shopping. She didn't have a car so we would ride the bus. Oh how I loved the bus. I was enchanted by the change jingling as I dropped it into the fare box. I also was enamored with the "woosh" of the door opening and closing. We would go downtown, shop and have lunch at a small lunch counter. Life was magical.

Then I turned six and life suddenly changed. My Grandmother abruptly moved in with my Aunt, hundreds of miles away. I had no idea why. Unfortunately she had cancer. "Moog" was a heavy smoker. and had developed lung cancer. I went one time with my Dad on the long drive to see her. She was very feeble but so happy to see her Grandson. Little did I know this was the last time I would see her. I was a naive six year old. She passed not long after that. I don't remember much about the funeral. Must be a bad memory. They brought her body back in this area and she was buried at Saint Vincent's Cemetery. It's about 25 minutes from where I live now.

Life goes on no matter who dies. It's the way of the world. I never visited her grave because my parents never did. Then memories are pushed to the back because life is thrown at you like a bowling ball thrown down the lane at the bowling pins.

Fast forward to one month ago. On the suggestion of a tennis partner, we started playing tennis at Saint Vincent College tennis courts. Something clicked in my addled brain, my Grandmother was buried at Saint Vincent's Cemetery. As fate had it, the tennis courts and the cemetery are right beside each other. I decided I needed to find "Moog's" grave. The cemetery is huge with graves going back to the early 1800's. On a day off from work I drove to the Cemetery Office, the nice lady gave me a map and showed me where my Grandmother was buried.

I hopped in my car and drove to the correct section. I parked the car, got out and walked through a couple of rows and there it was. A simple grey flat stone with her name, dates and a cross. I was happy and sad at the same time. Glad to find her final place of resting but sad I didn't know her better and had been all this time before I had come to visit her. It was awkward and comforting. I've never visited someone's grave before, so I didn't know the correct gravesite etiquette. It was comforting being there, near to someone who had so loved me. I reached down and touched her stone several times said a little prayer. If this lady isn't in Heaven, there is no such place. I stayed maybe 10 minutes and it was time to go. Her grave is less than a hundred feet from where I play tennis. The grave overlooks the courts, isn't it ironic.

I am so glad I found her grave. Every time I play tennis there I go for a little visit to see "Moog". I owe her that at least. She is the one person in my life who unconditionally loved me no matter what I said or did. There is a sense of comfort being near where she is at rest. And if anyone deserves to rest in peace, she does.

Friday, May 22, 2020

That Joke Isn't Funny

Happy Birthday!!!

Bernie Taupin


Truly wishing an Unhappy Birthday to Our Moz!!

Unhappy Birthday

                                                      Round, round rhythm of life goes round

Friday, May 1, 2020

When, When, When

                                                 When Last I Spoke To Carol

                                                          Day's dawning, skins crawling

Friday, April 24, 2020

Big In Japan

                                                                 Life Is Strange

Friday, April 10, 2020

This Charming Man


                                                   Striptease With A Difference

Monday, January 20, 2020

You'll Be Fine.

I saw today Morrissey's cat passed away. It seems that the death of a cat would be a trivial thing. It's really not. The death of one's treasured pet is just as traumatic as the loss of a family member. I remember when I was younger our dog we had for 10 years died. It was a very sad time. That dog had such a sweet soul and aura about her. We never got another dog or cat again. I still have dreams occasionally about our dog, that's how much of an impression she made. Even though I don't have a pet now, I can empathize with Our Moz. I am sorry for his loss and know he will be fine. Time heals.

Our Moz released a new single from his upcoming album "I'm Not A Dog On A Chain", it's called
"Bobby, Don't You Think They Know?". It is a duet with Thelma Houston. It sounds fabulous and it portends that "I'm Not A Dog On A Chain" is going to be one of Mozza's best ever. The big debate seems to be, who is the "Bobby" he is singing about. I have no idea who "Bobby" is but it is a wonderful song. The release date for the album is March 20th. It's going to be a long 2 months.

In some other good news, Our Moz will be going on tour. There are four dates so far, starting Friday March 6, Mozza will be slipping down the Leeds side-streets. Then heading to Cologne, Paris and London.  And to use some of Morrissey's lyrics: 
"Ah the pleasure you bring for us
Ah whenever you sing for us."

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Strange Boy

A strange boy is weaving
A course of grace and havoc
On a yellow skateboard
Through midday sidewalk traffic
Just when I think he's foolish and childish
And I want him to be manly
I catch my fool and my child
Needing love and understanding
What a strange, strange boy
He still lives with his family
Even the war and the navy
Couldn't bring him to maturity
He keeps referring back to school days
And clinging to his child
Fidgeting and bullied
His crazy wisdom holding onto something wild
He asked me to be patient
Well I failed
"Grow up!" I cried
And as, the smoke was clearing he said
"Give me one good reason why!"
What a strange, strange boy
He sees the cars as sets of waves
Sequences of mass and space
He sees the damage in my face
We got high on travel
And we got drunk on alcohol
And on love the strongest poison and medicine of all
See how that feeling comes and goes
Like the pull of moon on tides
Now I am surf rising
Now parched ribs of sand at his side
What a strange, strange boy
I gave him clothes and jewelry
I gave him my warm body
I gave him power over me
A thousand glass eyes were staring
In a cellar full of antique dolls
I found an old piano
And sweet chords rose up in waxed New England halls
While the boarders were snoring
Under crisp white sheets of curfew
We were newly lovers then
We were fire in the stiff-blue-haired-house-rules
Joni Mitchell