Sunday, May 30, 2021

Feu de joie d'adolescents


Exciting news in the world of Morrissey. Our Moz has a new album ready to be released. It is called "Bonfire Of Teenagers".. The announcement was made on Morrissey Central. These are always "Corybantic Times" when a new Mozza album is coming out. There was no release date issued and it was noted that Morrissey remains unsigned. Let the anticipation begin. The new tracks are as follows:

1. I Am Veronica

2. Rebels Without Applause

3. Kerouac's Crack

4. Ha Ha Harlem

5. I Live In Oblivion

6. Bonfire Of Teenagers

7. My Funeral

8. Diana Dors

9. I Ex-Love You

10. Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings

11. Saint In A Stained-Glass Window

The titles are all quite intriguing. I look forward to be able to listen to new music from Our Moz.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Bon Anniversaire

Buon compleanno a Morrissey.

Mere words cannot convey how I feel about Our Moz. So I will offer my best wishes and my hopes for a year full of health, happiness and success.