Sunday, December 31, 2023

A Crowd Has Gathered In Black And White


I've come to wish you an unhappy New Year. Seriously though, I want to wish Our Moz a very healthy and prosperous New Year. I hope the YATQ shows are spectacular. Here is a gem from Langston Hughes.


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Gros Nez Qui Sait

Good evening and welcome to my world. My name is Simpatico Braciere. I am the self-acclaimed genius behind the latest internet sensation and modern dadaism known as Sororité Recherché. A little bit about my background: I have been classically trained in critical thinking at the Mayo Clinic. Not the famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, but the Duke's Mayo Clinic in Greenville, South Carolina. They really taught me how to mix my metaphors there and also, I can make a mean batch of mayonnaise. When you read the hyper exciting text of Sororité Recherché you can see my vision shining through.

I have truly suffered for my art. Unfortunately, I didn't graduate from High School because of severe dyslexia that wasn't diagnosed until I was 25. I was forced to attend the Kathryn Kuhlman School of The Jezebel Spirit where over the course of several painful years all my bad traits were exorcised, and I became a superior intellect. That Kathryn sure knew how to perform miracles.

I am currently living at The Beat Hotel in Paris France. It has been home over the years to some of the world's great intellects of which I am one. I am actually living in the room where the great William S. Burroughs stayed while in Paris. It is such an inspiration to me and the readers of Sororité Recherché can feel the spirit of Burroughs, Ginsburg and Kerouac in my divine works. The guests at the Hotel revere me and have given me the title of "The Great Defecator" because they are so in awe of my spectacular writing skills and incredible acumen.

I am glad I was able to introduce myself to the readers of this new craze that is sweeping the nation. It is very hard being humble when I know my brain power soars well above the average reader. I can understand most people will not understand much of the material because of the eclectic content. The fact that I can at least present such exciting topics to the masses puts me on par with James Joyce, T. S. Eliot and Oscar Wilde. If anyone can spare a dollar or two, they are threatening to evict me because as you know with great intellect, it may not mean great financial rewards.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Are You Sure?

Last night in St. Petersburg, Florida, Our Moz sang "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?"!! Wow, I can't believe it! He last sang this song On August 29th, 2015 at the Visalia Fox Theatre. This was a signature song of Waylon Jennings. It spoke to some of the excesses and stereotypes of the Country Music business and life of an artist on the road. I always thought this was a particularly interesting cover for Our Moz. Unfortunately, I can't find a video on YouTube. Hopefully, someone will post one soon. I really enjoyed the 2015 version and look forward to seeing this one. I'm so happy Our Moz brought this song out of retirement. Thanks to Morrissey for giving me a little piece of happiness in this dull world.

Yay! I finally was able to find a video! Our Moz did "Are You Sure?" Live at The Fox. It was excellent. I love Carmen's guitar work and naturally, Our Moz sounds sublime!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

My Name Is Doctor Phillips


We are happy to report Our Moz has returned to the stage at The Doctor Phillips Center in Orlando. We have no idea who Doctor Phillips is but are extremely pleased to see Morrissey back in concert again. He looks fully recovered from his bout with the fever and his voice is clear and strong. Our hope is for continued health and success for Our Moz.

                                                           Stop me, stop me, stop me.

                                                  Doctor Phillips, I presume.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Mission Implausible


It's such an important time in the annals of history. Sororité Recherché will be there as the balm to soothe the wounds of humanity. The decline of western civilization is obvious. Sororité Recherché will monitor the deterioration of the culture. Can it get worse than Brittany Spears and Miley Cyrus? Yes, and it is rapidly descending into Hades. Because it's not changing and we care, we will be there to soften the blow.

The political situation in the United States has become untenable. There will be a choice between the criminal, charlatan Trump and the senile, ancient Biden. Sororité Recherché will offer alternatives. We are suggesting voters consider Harold Stassen or Pat Paulson. Of course, they are both dead, but could they be any worse than the buffoons currently running. They could prop them up and use artificial intelligence to make them appear life like. It would be similar to Ronald Reagan's second term, when Nancy was the real President. There was no intelligence in that White House, artificial or imagined. Sororité Recherché has its finger on the pulse of the nation.

Harold Stassen

                                                                  Pat Paulson


                                                                President Reagan                                       

Finally, Sororité Recherché always promises plenty of sarcasm, satire and irony to whatever subject we are unable to tackle. We hope to allow viewers to forget about their mundane lives and their slow march to a visit with the undertaker. Sororité Recherché also makes a commitment to be slightly overblown and pretentious to give the appearance of how important we pretend to be. There may be a hint of metaphor mixed in now and zen but we can only cook in a microwave, so more than likely they will be atrocious.

So, if you stop reading and ignore Sororité Recherché it will be very wise and appropriate. We understand that most people can't comprehend idiocracy. If you do decide to support this great cause, we thank you from the bottom of our very black hearts.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Sun's So Hot


Our Moz is starting his Southern America's leg of his latest tour tomorrow in Mexico City. He will visit Peru, Columbia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. We send our best to Morrissey, his band and the patrons who will be attending his shows. We hope for safe travels, good health and wonderful concerts. Our Moz will then return to the good old USA for a series of dates and then heads to Asia. An ambitious and exciting series of events in the World of Morrissey.


I just found out the Mexico City concert has been postponed due to Our Moz being ill. It is rescheduled for October 31. I hope Our Moz gets better soon and the tour can start in Lima Peru on September 14. Sending our best thoughts to Our Moz.

Update 2

Our Moz has Dengue fever. The tour will begin with the Florida shows. Dengue fever can be extremely serious. Sending my best wishes to Our Moz for a speedy recovery,

Monday, August 28, 2023

Round, Rhythm Goes Round

 Are You Sure Hank...

8/29/2023 Update



Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Little Boy Found

 The little boy lost in the lonely fen,

A little boy of 5 went to the park with his dad. He explored along the banks of the creek and woods while his dad played football with his friends. After several hours the little boy grew weary and the light began to fade. He went back to the parking lot to find the family car gone. He went to the football field and found it deserted. The little boy was all alone in the park miles from home.

Led by the wand'ring light,

Began to cry; but God, ever nigh,

Appear'd like his father in white.

The little boy began to cry. Why had his father left him in the park? God did not appear for the boy. Darkness closed in at the park and the lonely little boy followed a light. It was the light of a gas station down the street. The man at the gas station asked the boy who he was and why he was all alone at this late hour. The boy told him his name and said his dad left him at the park.

Meanwhile the father arrived home and went in the house. The boy's mother frantically asked the father , "Where is my son?" The father realized he had left his son at the park. It was completely dark.

He kissed the child & by the hand led

And to his mother brought 

Who in sorrow pale, thro' the lonely dale

Her little boy weeping sought.

William Blake

The mother began sobbing and the father raced back to the park to find his missing son. He searched the park in the dark and could not find his son. Where could he be?  Did a stranger snatch him, did he fall in the creek and drown? In desperation the father went to the gas station and there he saw his little boy sitting in a chair eating a candy bar. 

I've never forgotten that feeling of being abandoned. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

TRoxy Music


Our Moz put on another wonderful performance at a sold out Troxy in London town. Especially of highlight was the reappearance of Istanbul to the setlist. Moz looked quite dapper as he broke into Suedehead to open the show and closed with a thrilling rendition of Speedway. It's fantastic to see Our Moz on the stage, right where he belongs, thrilling his legions of fans.


                                                           It was just to see, just to see
                                                All the things you knew I'd written about you

                                                                   Nobody's gonna buy it.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Blighty Is The Place For Me!

 Our Moz returned to the U.K. as part of his world tour and played The Guildhall in Portsmouth for his first stop. He sounded superb and looked dashing as the senior statesman of modern music.

His new band sounded great and the patrons were thrilled to see their hero go through an eclectic selection of past hits, some obscure classics and some of his new ditties.

Unfortunately, the concert scheduled for this evening in Nottingham was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. I hope Our Moz is not ill or under the weather. Hopefully the tour will be slipping down the side streets of Leeds on Wednesday. Until then we wish all the best to Mozza and his band..

Saturday, July 1, 2023


 Here we are on July 1st, life is moving forward in its usual lugubrious ways. Our Moz begins his world tour in Israel tomorrow. He plays two dates in Israel then goes to the UK and Ireland. After that he goes to Mexico and South America. Then finishes up his tour in the good old USA. I'm very interested to see how his new band sounds and of course I always love to hear what songs he decides to play. I'm sure it will be a delectable mix for certain. I wish Our Moz the best on his tour, safe travels and wonderful audiences.

                        Our Moz will be back on Stage tomorrow and I wish him a marvelous tour.



                                                              I fake my life like I've lived

                                                                      too much

                                                                    Watch this space

                                                          I'm open to falling from grace

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Dreams Walking In Broad Daylight


According to the experts, everyone dreams. If I do, I rarely remember them. This morning right before I woke up I had a really interesting dream and I remembered it. I was living on the first floor of an apartment building. I heard someone cutting grass behind the building. I looked out the window into a small courtyard and there I saw Morrissey cutting the grass with a small gas powered lawnmower.. The courtyard was very small and probably wouldn't take even five minutes to mow. Naturally I was shocked to see Our Moz out there mowing grass but even stranger this wasn't current day Morrissey, this was Morrissey from the Kill Uncle era. 

Naturally I was extremely excited and puzzled to see Our Moz out there cutting grass. So I called to him, he waved and stopped by my window. I asked him how he was and why he was mowing the grass. He said he was fine and he thought the grass was too high so he took it upon himself to take care of it as it looked very unkempt to him. He also said he was now living in the building on the second floor. I said when he was done cutting could I get him a nice cold glass of iced tea. He contemplated for a second and said iced tea wasn't his favorite beverage but on such a steamy day, it would be acceptable. He said to come up to his apartment in about a half hour.

I had a pitcher of iced tea in my refrigerator but I was horrified when I realized I didn't have two glasses that I would feel comfortable serving such an icon as Morrissey. Fortunately there was a small store across from the apartment building. I quickly darted over to the store to find a couple of glasses. I just couldn't find anything that I felt would meet the stature of Morrissey. Finally I settled on two glass beer mugs. I ran back to my apartment, put ice in the mugs and filled them with iced tea. I walked upstairs and knocked on Morrissey's door. He yelled that the door was open and to let myself in. I walked in and could hear Our Moz in another room. Then I woke up! I never did get to share some iced tea with Morrissey. Aren't dreams strange?

Now back to reality. Our Moz was photographed recently visiting his Mom's childhood home in Dublin. Today happens to be Mother's Day here in the USA. It is kind of a bittersweet day for me also, as I lost my Mom last November. I hope Our Moz is doing well.

Monday, April 24, 2023



                                                            I kissed Tim Burgess.

                                                  Bet then he opened his eyes

                                         And saw someone he  physically despised.  😋


                                               It takes a light foot lady to lead a double life


Thursday, April 6, 2023

These Are Days You'll Remember


I'm happy to see Our Moz has added some new tour dates in the UK and Ireland. His last set of concerts were tremendous. He sounds great and his band is very tight. The lucky patrons who are in attendance are seeing a true legend and icon. Keep up the momentum! 

Friday, March 31, 2023

Let's Go To The Pub


                                                               I like the night life baby.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Un Hommage Aux Meilleurs

 Our Moz has once again returned to the stage for a fantastic concert at Salle Pleyel in Paris. Our Moz looked dashing as usual and has really become the unquestioned elder statesman of alternative/indie music. His hair seems to be a shimmering silver and his face still has all the angular symmetry of his younger years, while showing some of the strains of time. He still commands attention on stage like no other and his voice is possibly better than ever.  A little deeper, more resonant and strong.

Our Moz opened the show with two solid favorites "Our Frank" and " Alma Matters".  He finished with a rousing performance of "Irish Blood, English Heart". In between he offered a delicious fare from throughout his stellar career. He debuted two songs from his freshly recorded album "Without Music, The World Dies". They included the title track and "The Night Pop Dropped". Both songs sounded divine and will be happily welcomed into the Morrissey catalogue. Two of the highlights for me were the hidden gem "Istanbul" in the setlist and an especially emotional "Trouble Loves Me". I thought both were incredible. I also love "The Loop", a nice little ditty that gets the heart pumping and feet stomping. So:  I just wanna say, I haven't been away, I'm still right here, Where I always was.

Our Moz has another show in Paris and then he is off to Lyon and Strasbourg. We are very fortunate Mozza is still touring and causing a buzz amongst the faithful. It's reassuring to see him there doing what he loves and still being a creative force after all these years. In this world you can take nothing for granted, so these concerts shall be treasured moments from a once in a lifetime artist.


                                                                (Not Constantinople)

                                                                  Trouble Loves Me

                                                                        The Loop

Monday, February 20, 2023

Without Music, Life Would Be A Mistake


New Recording.

WITHOUT MUSIC THE WORLD DIES has been recorded in France. The 10-track album has been described by Jesse Tobias as "a lightning strike."

This is the 5th Morrissey album produced by Joe Chiccarelli.
The songs are:

The Night Pop Dropped
Zoom Zoom The Little Boy
Without Music the World Dies

Suspicious Minds
Many Icebergs Ago
Happy New Tears
The Monsters of Pig Alley

1 and 2 co-written with Jesse Tobias
3, 7, 9, 10 co-written with Alain Whyte
4, 5, 8 co-written with Gustavo Manzur
6 written by Mark Adams
Engineered by Bill Mimms.
Recorded at La Fabrique Studios in St-Remy, France.
Jesse Tobias guitars
Alain Whyte guitars and backing vocals
Gustavo Manzur keyboards and backing vocals
Juan Galeano bass
Brendan Buckley drums

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

And If I Seem A Little Strange


                                                                   Well, that's because I am.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Prologue To Spring

 The winter landscape hangs in balance now,

Transfixed by glare of blue from gorgon's eye;
The skaters freese within a stone tableau.

Air alters into glass and the whole sky
Grows brittle as a tilted china bowl;
Hill and valley stiffen row on row.

Each fallen leaf is trapped by spell of steel,
Crimped like fern in the quartz atmosphere;
Repose of scultpure holds the country still.

What coutermagic can undo the snare
Which has stopped the season in its tracks
And suspended all that might occur?

Locked in crystal caskets are the lakes,
Yet as we wonder what cam come of ice
Green-singing birds explore from all the rocks.

Sylvia Plath

                                                            Used To be A Sweet Boy

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Joy Brings Many Things

 Life is not kind. Circumstances are never in your favor. Sometimes it can be overwhelming what this world dishes out. My Mother died a horrific death in November that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I understand that death is part of life and it is going to happen to all of us. I will never understand why she had to die that way. We must move on from a personal tragedy and I have done my pathetic best. 

Life is not fair they say and I can attest to that. Three weeks ago my Father had a fall and broke his neck in two places. He was rushed to the emergency room. It was feared he may be paralyzed but fate intervened and although it was a bad fracture they were able to stabilize him, He would be placed in a brace and undergo therapy. That is not the worst part. Apparently, he has been drinking heavily and his BAC was twice the legal limit.

So for a week he had to suffer alcohol withdrawal symptoms from the drinking problem he hid from everyone. Fortunately they kept him in a semi coma so he didn't have to suffer as much. When he was semi lucid it was no picnic. I won't go into all the gory details but he asked me to kill him several times or be kind and sneak him out or give him a knife so he could slit his wrists. I've had several dreams over the years of my Dad being on his death bed and asking me to smother him with a pillow so he didn't have to suffer. Talk about dreams becoming reality. 

After two weeks of skilled nursing and therapy my Father was released from the Hospital yesterday. He goes home a broken man. And I am left to wonder how brutal life can be and when the next time will be because I know life never gets better. As Morrissey says in the song "Mountjoy":

"Brendan Behan's laughter rings
For what he had or hadn't done
For he knew then as I know now
That for each and every one of us
We all lose"

Friday, January 13, 2023



                                                      This is the house we used to live in

                                                 This is the place I used to know

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

And I Have Decided



Update - 1/11/22

I saw today that Jeff Beck has passed away. He was a remarkable talent on guitar. Our Moz requested Jeff to play on the excellent song "Black Cloud". The world is a lesser place without the incredible Jeff Beck.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

All Night Party


                                                              It's never quite... alright

                                                                    All night.. at the

                                                              All night, alright party