Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Are You Sure?

Last night in St. Petersburg, Florida, Our Moz sang "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?"!! Wow, I can't believe it! He last sang this song On August 29th, 2015 at the Visalia Fox Theatre. This was a signature song of Waylon Jennings. It spoke to some of the excesses and stereotypes of the Country Music business and life of an artist on the road. I always thought this was a particularly interesting cover for Our Moz. Unfortunately, I can't find a video on YouTube. Hopefully, someone will post one soon. I really enjoyed the 2015 version and look forward to seeing this one. I'm so happy Our Moz brought this song out of retirement. Thanks to Morrissey for giving me a little piece of happiness in this dull world.

Yay! I finally was able to find a video! Our Moz did "Are You Sure?" Live at The Fox. It was excellent. I love Carmen's guitar work and naturally, Our Moz sounds sublime!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

My Name Is Doctor Phillips


We are happy to report Our Moz has returned to the stage at The Doctor Phillips Center in Orlando. We have no idea who Doctor Phillips is but are extremely pleased to see Morrissey back in concert again. He looks fully recovered from his bout with the fever and his voice is clear and strong. Our hope is for continued health and success for Our Moz.

                                                           Stop me, stop me, stop me.

                                                  Doctor Phillips, I presume.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Mission Implausible


It's such an important time in the annals of history. Sororité Recherché will be there as the balm to soothe the wounds of humanity. The decline of western civilization is obvious. Sororité Recherché will monitor the deterioration of the culture. Can it get worse than Brittany Spears and Miley Cyrus? Yes, and it is rapidly descending into Hades. Because it's not changing and we care, we will be there to soften the blow.

The political situation in the United States has become untenable. There will be a choice between the criminal, charlatan Trump and the senile, ancient Biden. Sororité Recherché will offer alternatives. We are suggesting voters consider Harold Stassen or Pat Paulson. Of course, they are both dead, but could they be any worse than the buffoons currently running. They could prop them up and use artificial intelligence to make them appear life like. It would be similar to Ronald Reagan's second term, when Nancy was the real President. There was no intelligence in that White House, artificial or imagined. Sororité Recherché has its finger on the pulse of the nation.

Harold Stassen

                                                                  Pat Paulson


                                                                President Reagan                                       

Finally, Sororité Recherché always promises plenty of sarcasm, satire and irony to whatever subject we are unable to tackle. We hope to allow viewers to forget about their mundane lives and their slow march to a visit with the undertaker. Sororité Recherché also makes a commitment to be slightly overblown and pretentious to give the appearance of how important we pretend to be. There may be a hint of metaphor mixed in now and zen but we can only cook in a microwave, so more than likely they will be atrocious.

So, if you stop reading and ignore Sororité Recherché it will be very wise and appropriate. We understand that most people can't comprehend idiocracy. If you do decide to support this great cause, we thank you from the bottom of our very black hearts.