Monday, August 28, 2023

Round, Rhythm Goes Round

 Are You Sure Hank...

8/29/2023 Update



Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Little Boy Found

 The little boy lost in the lonely fen,

A little boy of 5 went to the park with his dad. He explored along the banks of the creek and woods while his dad played football with his friends. After several hours the little boy grew weary and the light began to fade. He went back to the parking lot to find the family car gone. He went to the football field and found it deserted. The little boy was all alone in the park miles from home.

Led by the wand'ring light,

Began to cry; but God, ever nigh,

Appear'd like his father in white.

The little boy began to cry. Why had his father left him in the park? God did not appear for the boy. Darkness closed in at the park and the lonely little boy followed a light. It was the light of a gas station down the street. The man at the gas station asked the boy who he was and why he was all alone at this late hour. The boy told him his name and said his dad left him at the park.

Meanwhile the father arrived home and went in the house. The boy's mother frantically asked the father , "Where is my son?" The father realized he had left his son at the park. It was completely dark.

He kissed the child & by the hand led

And to his mother brought 

Who in sorrow pale, thro' the lonely dale

Her little boy weeping sought.

William Blake

The mother began sobbing and the father raced back to the park to find his missing son. He searched the park in the dark and could not find his son. Where could he be?  Did a stranger snatch him, did he fall in the creek and drown? In desperation the father went to the gas station and there he saw his little boy sitting in a chair eating a candy bar. 

I've never forgotten that feeling of being abandoned.