Thursday, April 30, 2015

Razzle Dazzle

                      @ The Razzmatazz

Our Moz is now back on the stage with a concert at the Razzmatazz in Barcelona.  I'm sure it was an electrifying show, as are all Moz concerts!

Our Moz thrilled the crowd by twirling a black bra during the song "I'm Not A Man".

Our Moz also sang one of my personal favorites @ The Razzmatazz, "Mama Lay Softly On The Riverbed".

What a lovely night for the patrons who attended the Barcelona extravaganza!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

If You See Me Walking Down The Street

Our Moz was spotted in Barcelona in advance of his concert there on April 29.  He is looking quite
stylish and dapper.  I occasionally contemplate what would happen if I ever saw Mozza walking down the street.  Unfortunately, I think I would walk on by.  I wouldn't want to bother Our Moz.  I mean, why would he want to interact with an unintelligent lout like me?   I would be dying inside because Morrissey has been such an immense influence on me.  Fortunately, this situation will never happen, so I don't ever have to worry.

                                                                         Walk On By

On a brighter note, the lovely Fifi has returned to twitter.  It is always a pleasure to see her return to the internet from her extensive travels around the macro cosmos.  Fifi is certainly a fiery filly with flair.  It would be simpatico to go Walking With Thee.

                                                              Walking With Thee

Alas, because I am a mannerly misanthrope and an erudite eremite, no one would want to go walking with me.  I would have to go on The Walk alone.  So visiting time is over and so we walk away.
The story of my life.

The Walk

In a recent interview, Our Moz called Justin Bieber a "Hairball".  Our Moz has a very low opinion of current pop music and rightly so.  I think this is at least a somewhat interesting  "Hairball".


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

At No Time In The Past or Future

Is it a mistake to say never?  Should one never say never?  Or should one never say always?

A certain band said they would play together when hell freezes over.  Does that mean never?
I guess hell hath frozen over.  Never say never.

I am certainly no fan of The Eagles but they were and are quite popular.  I actually prefer Eagulls.
I saw their set at Coachella on Youtube.  It was very spirited.

                                            George Mitchell, singer of Eagulls @ Coachella

When I listen to or watch Eagulls, I am always reminded of A Flock of Seagulls.  I think Mike Score's hair could have been considered the 8th wonder of the world, certainly rivaling The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  Babylon and on, you know.  How did he do that with his coif?  It is so sad, he is bald now.

                                                                       Mike Score

Does it seem no matter what one does, it is not adequate for the want or need?  No matter what, it never seems to be enough, how frustrating.  It actually gets quite tiring.

There are days one feels like giving up.  You just want to say STOP!  The world is crushing you and nothing is going right.  Can one really ever stop?   You could stop making sense?  But have you ever made sense?  Dadaism could be a possibility.  Seriously, take me to Cabaret Voltaire now!  A sad fact widely known is, that in this life one can Never Stop.

And so it goes, another day is done, one more X mark on the calendar, an additional pointless moment of existence, and as each second passes ever closer to the crematorium.  Yes, it's the Never Ending Story.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A World of Night Screams and Rainbows

Finally some warm weather on a weekend.  It seems like ages since the climate has been this pleasant.  So naturally I wanted to take advantage of the conditions by going running.  I haven't been able to run for about 3 months due to the cold.  I was able to run both Saturday and Sunday.  It was fantastic.  I relish being able to be outside after such a cruel winter.

Usually after I am done running, I feel exhilarated but not today.  I was very sad today.  As I was running on the bike trail, I passed a man pushing a lady in a wheelchair.  She was probably in her late 30's.  I am not sure if the man pushing her was her husband.  As I passed and glanced over, I just felt such pity for this woman.  Here I was out enjoying the day, running, feeling free and wonderful.  Then there was this poor lady being pushed around in a wheelchair.  Life sure isn't fair.  I can't even imagine what kind of hell it would be, unable to walk, being trapped, having to rely on someone else to tend to your needs.  Life is such a contradiction.  There can be such beauty and also it can be so appalling.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

They Keep Calling Me

                                                 Someone take these dreams away
                                                 That point me to another day
                                                 A duel of personalities
                                                 That stretch all true realities

                                                 That keep calling me
                                                 They keep calling me

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Dreaded Sunny Day

Today was an absolutely marvelous day for April, sunny and 80 degrees.  Here is one point I must disagree with Morrissey on.  A sunny, warm day is never dreaded by me.  I love the sun and warmth.
Of course one thing is for certain, neither Keats, Yeats or Wilde are on my side because of my ghastly writing skills but that's another story.

I have been suffering from some sort of cold/allergy/sinus infection affliction, the last several days.  I suppose I shouldn't have gone to the bar after my ice hockey game but how could I pass up interacting with my teammates, friends and bar patrons.  Plus, there is nothing as satisfying as an ice cold glass of beer after hockey.  Naturally, one glass would be fine but when it turns into 15, 16, 17, no wonder I am ill.  Morrissey said it so aptly; "I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour but heaven knows I'm miserable now.

As I was sitting around commiserating over my plight, I came to the conclusion, I think I maybe becoming a misanthrope.  I really don't care much to interact with people and consciously decide to avoid interaction.  I try to stay away from my neighbors and never talk to strangers.  ("I never talk to my neighbor, I'd rather not get involved") Now, there are people I know and like and enjoy contact with.  Outside of those few folks, I would rather be alone.  I feel much more comfortable in my own company.  Is that odd?  I wonder is it normal?  Maybe I'm losing my grip on sanity.

                                                Looking dreadful on a dreaded sunny day

Saturday, April 4, 2015

There Was No Promise Made

                                                         There's No Way Out Of Here

So I was watching a show about cancer today.  They had several people who had stage 4 metastasis and were going to die.  How terrible for these lovely folks.  What a crushing diagnosis that would be.  They interviewed the doctors in these cases, who said we can give them 7 more months with treatments, etc.  I thought to myself, I would rather just be dead than live 7 months of hell with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery.  What kind of life would that be.  I believe in euthanasia.  I feel if a person has a terminal disease, they should be allow to die with dignity at a time and place of their choice.

There really is no way out of here.  There are no options that I can come up with.  I would love to break on through to the other side.  How do you get to the other side?  To another dimension or plane.
I don't belong here.  I don't want to be here.  I want to be somewhere, just not here.

The show about cancer made me think about the end.  Its going to happen.  Its the one thing we all have in common.  It angers me.  I didn't ask to be born.  No one checked with me to see if I wanted to live this life.  Before I go to bed some nights I wonder and secretly wish it will just fade to black.

The video for Fade to Black are scenes from Saving Private Ryan.  I saw the movie once and can never watch it again.  I cried like a baby at the end, it affected me that much.  The only other movie I ever saw that wrenched my emotions like that was Schindler's List.

On a more positive note, Our Moz has announced a summer tour of the USA, starting in June!!  There is a date at Madison Square Garden with Blondie.  That will be an epic night in old New York.  It doesn't look good for me as far as attending a show.  There is no Pittsburgh date, the closest is Akron, which is about a 3 hour drive but its on a Monday.  A friend who I play hockey with was going to go if he came to Pittsburgh but won't go to Akron.  So I'm in a quandary at this point.  I must ponder the situation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

See The World Spinning Round

Yes, its April fools day.  The one day of the year I feel celebrates me as a person.  I accept it and embrace it.  Even more than my birthday, I feel this day embodies me.  So in honor of the day I appoint this to be my theme song for today.....Fool On The Hill.