Monday, April 1, 2013

I'll Get Down on My Knees and Pray

We Don't Get Fooled Again

So today is April Fools day.  I was just sitting here thinking about religion, The Catholic Church etc.
Does that make me a fool for thinking of such things or am I just a fool in general.  Regardless, with yesterday being Easter and today April Fools, I thought that was an interesting coincidence in timing.
If Jesus came back today, what would he think of the Catholic Church?  So many beautiful ornate buildings, a  Pope, Cardinals and Bishops who live luxurious lives.  Scholars at the Vatican who argue how many Angels can fit on the head of a pin.  Is this what the church should be about?  I thought the mission of the church is to feed the poor, heal the sick, shelter for the homeless, assistance for the elderly and help for those in need.
I just don't see it happening.  There is a major disconnect.  The Catholic Church seems to be more about prestige and power and wealth rather than a mission of helping those in need.

There has been a new Pope installed.  He seems to be a very humble man, possibly more dedicated to a church that will rededicate itself to a mission of helping people.  Only time will tell.  The Church is still living in the 1500's instead of the 2000's and they wonder why with a better educated populace, people drift away.  People can't use condoms while having sex?  That's ridiculous and anyone with a tad of intelligence knows it.  Priests can't marry?  Almost every other religion allows it, plus it gives more eligible candidates.  What the hell does a Priest know about marriage to advise a married couple, wouldn't better advice come from someone who is married and lived it?  Why can't a woman be a priest?  Woman are just as Holy or Holier than men.  There is no reason a woman cannot tend to a flock.  Many other religions allow women as Ministers and they do a fine job.  What about confession?  Why do I have to confess my sins to a Priest?  If I have committed a sin and truly sorry, I can confess to God directly.  God knows if you feel sorry and are truly repentant.  Do you think mindlessly repeating some Our Father's, Hail Mary's and Glory Be's will absolve you?  And these buildings, these palaces of worship, are they really necessary?   Instead of building these palatial cathedrals, wouldn't it be better to spend money on helping those in need?   What about people who mindlessly go to Mass, who screw people over all week in their lives?  Do they believe because they go to Mass its ok.  It thoroughly disgusts me.  What about the Church's position on Gay people?  How vile that they think Gay people are damned to hell.  I thought God created Mankind in his image.  I thought we were put on this earth as brothers and sisters and to love everyone.  I guess that only applies to the certain chosen.  How ridiculous.

As I sit here on April Fools day, maybe I'm just thinking foolish thoughts.  Will the Catholic Church ever change.  I think its highly doubtful.  Organizations such as this are caught up in their bureaucracy and move like snails.  Those at the top don't like change.  The hierarchy live a life of privilege and wealth and has no idea what is going in the lives of common folks.  How sad that the Church of St Peter is bastion of wealth and power instead of an institution dedicated to service to those in need.

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