Sunday, August 13, 2017

This Is Not America

The ugliest of the ugly came to roost in Charlottesville Virginia on Saturday. The disgusting white supremest, Nazi movement held a rally there to preserve a statue of a traitor, Robert E. Lee. The morally bankrupt Nazi's are still fighting the American Civil War. They hate Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Muslims and anyone who is not lily white like them. They fly the flag of The Confederacy, who believed that men should be enslaved in bondage and were traitors to this country. The Confederacy was defeated at the loss of many men who fought to preserve the union and set people free. My great, great grandfather was a Colonel in the Union Army and was wounded in battle fighting to make men free. They also fly the Nazi flag. The Nazi's under Hitler, murdered 6 million Jews and millions of other innocent people in their quest to dominate Europe and the world. They were the most brutal regime ever to reign on this earth. It took years, millions of lives to stamp them out and defeat them, yet today there are those that worship this cult of evil.  Several of my relatives fought in World War II to rid of us of the Nazi scourge.

The KKK started by Nathan Bedford Forrest after the Civil War continued the white supremest banner in the south.  They brutalized, tortured and murdered Blacks for many years.  The white power movement never really went away.  It was hidden behind hoods and white robes and secret meetings.
The civil rights movement which gave some help to black folks gave the white power assholes more fodder for their racist hate.  It is still here and with the election of Trump they believe they are gaining the upper hand. Trump and the folly birthers ginned up the hate of Obama. Trump's campaign was wink and nod to the white power Nazi's that they were accepted.  And this past Saturday in Charlottesville was the culmination of the seething hatred below the surface brought into the light.

                                                           Kristallnacht, KKK style

Hair Furor, I mean Trump could not even denounce the white supremacists by name in his statement after the incident. He said the hatred was on many sides. Wink, wink, nod, nod, it's ok white powerists, you have a friend in the White House. Not just one friend there either, the creepy jerks, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are part of the administration too.

During the the incident a white supremest drove his car into a crowd of brave, peaceful anti hate protesters, killed one person and injured 19. What makes people hate like this?  I don't understand. The lady who was murdered was Heather Heyer. She was a passionate person, who believed in helping folks and was against inequality and hate.

                                                     Heather Heyer - murdered by a Nazi

This is not my America. I cannot believe in the year 2017 we are still fighting battles of The Civil War and World War II. This is never going to end. Especially with neanderthal racists in positions of power like Trump. A man like him would never attempt to unite folks. His type thrive on division, jealousy and hatred. I had relatives and so do millions of Americans who fought on the right side of history to set people free and yet the evil lives on. Racism isn't inherited, it is a learned behavior passed from generation to generation. How can that be stopped? How many more will die to keep the ideal of freedom alive? It certainly looks bleak at this point. We just elected our first Black President and now 8 years later we could be on the brink of another civil war. The heart of the republic is barely beating.

                                                              This Is Not America

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