I am delighted that gay people are allowed to marry. Why shouldn't two people who love each other be allowed to be married. It again comes down to what is right. Again, contractually and legally it makes sense for gay couples. Men and women can marry, men and men, women and women, are we going down a slippery slope? Could a man potentially marry a dog? Ha, ha, just kidding, that one was for you Rick Sanitarium, you creepo Republican. Seriously though, if I support gay marriage, how does that impact my project to end marriage?
As society gradually evolves, should marriage go the route of the passenger pigeon? I say yes. If a couple wants to be together they can just go to the local government agency and sign a legal contract. Why go through the formality of a costly wedding? Chances are in 5 years the couple will be divorced. There's a good probability that one of the spouses are cheating. What does this say about marriage? In many cases its a sham!! Its an ancient tradition who's time should be done. As more and more people turn away from religion, society's mores are changing. People living together is certainly not frowned upon, like it used to be.
Of course, my crusade to end marriage is just another quixotic adventure. In fact, it's not real at all, it was just a dream I had last night. I really don't care about marriage at all, as I will never marry.
Morrissey - Will Never Marry (Nor will I)
One other small thought I had (most of my thoughts are small, but I still walk tall). What will happen in the future when technology will have robots that are basically just like humans? Will humans be permitted to marry robots? It could be very interesting.
Love In The Year 3000
In other exciting news, our Moz has returned to the USA for a tour. Starting in New Orleans and going through Atlanta and Durham, so far. He will be in Washington, DC tonight. All the reviews and videos have been wonderful. Mozza sounds better than ever. He looks healthy and of course I wish him and the band all the best throughout the tour. Unfortunately, Our Moz is not coming to Pittsburgh so I shall be unable to attend. Because of circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to travel. I do wish that all of the attendees have a marvelous experience because they are seeing a true legend.
Our Moz in The City of New Orleans
More than Georgia is on Mozza's mind, as he scoops up a bug in Atlanta
The Author of the "Project For The New Millennium"
They call him "Mr. Nobody"
The last living mortal on earth. Humanity has conquered mortality through the endless renewal of cells but not for Mr. Nobody. An enigma, an anachronism, at some point no trace will exist that he ever existed.
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