Tuesday, September 7, 2021


 A variety of things are in the process of coming to their final curtain. Our Moz wrapped up a wildly successful residency at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Sunday. His final show there was another stellar performance by Morrissey. He does get better with age. The drama, the emotion and the stage presence rise above any musical artist out there today. The patrons, who were lucky enough to attend these shows, were sent home glowingly happy. Superb setlists, great musicianship and of course the mellifluous voice of Our Moz,. He is one of a kind.  Personally, I was very pleased to hear the song "Tomorrow", one of my absolute favorite songs. At least through You tube, I was able to get a glimpse of what it was like to be there. Nothing like the real thing of course. Our Moz continues on to Riot Fest in Chicago for a Thursday Night appearance. After that who knows? Tomorrow is a promise to no one.

                                                            First Of The Gang To Die

                                                          Seasick, Yet Still Docked

Summer is rapidly coming to its final terminus. It always starts with such high hopes and dreams but sadly ends with destitute melancholy. The final verdict is always the morbid winter and death to the life that spring and summer bring. The song remains the same.

While on one hand, I am delighted Morrissey's Las Vegas residency was fabulous. On the other hand, I am increasingly distressed at what I know is on its way. I take solace in the fact that no one cares. Lesson 1 learned in this life: people only give a shit about their own flea bitten lives.

                 Just done running 4 miles this afternoon. Is the last mile really the hardest mile?

                                                        I can't help the way I feel.

I awoke last night to the sound of thunder.

How far off I sat and wondered.

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