Sunday, September 8, 2019

Tennis Court

My poor attempt at recreating The Moz T-shirt picture.

How Soon Is Now

You're Going To Need Someone On Your Side

Never Again Will I Be A Twin

It's wonderful to see Our Moz back on tour again. He played a marvelous show last night at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium. He wore a glittering green suit, could we call him The Green Lantern? Sorry, just a bad pun. New York is "Tennis Central" this weekend. Our Moz at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium and the finals of the US Open are this weekend at Flushing Meadows. The setlist was intriguing as always, with some pleasant surprises. If you need to see the set list, why don't you find out for yourself?  Another bad pun, I see a trend here. As always, I am pleased to see Morrissey back on tour but this time it is tempered.

The counter balance to my happiness that Our Moz is back on tour is that my Mom has been in the Hospital for 3 weeks. She had been having a had time mentally after an operation. They think the anesthesia affected her. She took a full bottle of pills that were prescribed to help her. She was rushed to the hospital and was in a coma for three days. We had no idea if she was going to die or ever wake up again. Fortunately, she did wake up but her mental state has not improved. She was in a skilled nursing facility for a week and now has gone into an inpatient Psychiatric unit. I hope she can get the help she needs. Mental Illness is brutal. No one can see the problem, like you can a broken leg. The treatment is trial and error and you don't really know if it will truly ever work. I visited her yesterday and she seems better. I hope she can return to normal.  What is normal?  Does anyone really know?

Tennis Court

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