Sunday, March 3, 2019

Power To The People

Bernie Sanders launched his 2020 Presidential candidacy to an adoring crowd of about 13,000 people in Brooklyn, New York. It was a homecoming of sorts for Bernie. He grew up with his family in a small apartment in Brooklyn. They were a lower middle class family where money was always difficult to come by. His Dad and Mom were both immigrants to this country. His Dad barely made it out of Poland before Hitler invaded. He surely would have been sent to concentration camp and died as he was Jewish. Bernie does not talk about his modest beginnings enough. He should, as opposed to the pampered silver spoon life of the would be dictator in the White House.

I really don't care much for politicians. Most of them are phony, charlatans working the system for their own benefit or for that of the highest bidder. Bernie Sanders is one of the few authentic people in the the abysmal world of politics and government. He has never wavered and has been remarkably consistent in his message and mission for social, economic and racial justice for all. When he was in Chicago for college he was arrested protesting the horrid conditions for blacks in public housing. He marched and participated in the civil rights movement. He was a participant in Martin Luther King's famous march on Washington and many others. This man has fought his entire career for those with less, black, white, Latino, Asian, American Indian. Contrast this with Trump and his fathers known discrimination in their buildings against housing people of color.

I wasn't sure if I was going to really get involved much in the 2020 election. There has been no doubt in my mind the disgusting threat to this country must be removed from office. I would vote for any of the Democratic candidates in 2020. The question is whether I would invest any of my time and money in helping a campaign. Now that Bernie is in the running for sure I feel I must do something to help his candidacy. I basically agree with him on every issue he addresses. He is the real deal as far as authenticity. The damage that Trump has done to this nation is severe. Bernie Sanders is the best candidate that can start the pendulum swinging in the other direction.

                                                           Power To The People

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