Our Moz's current tour has been a fantastic extravaganza and going on quite well. He has been receiving rave reviews and the crowds have been huge and enthusiastic. Our Moz is looking great and his voice is absolutely superb.
His stage show has added some lighting accoutrements that immediately caught my eye the first pictures and videos I saw from the tour. They are lighted shields or badges that are part of the light
show. Mozza always has a stunning light show to accompany the music. My first thought when I saw the lighted shields was they reminded me of the former symbol for British Petroleum. Is that weird or what? Sorry, I can't help I am odd.
Well, these shields triggered a memory from my childhood. When I was around 7 or 8 years old, I was friends with the kid down the street from us. One day he called me to come over to his house and play. We were going to play policeman, When I got there, we went down to his basement and decided that we were going to break up a robbery at a gas station. He had a desk and table arranged as our police car. Then another part of the basement was the gas station. We got on our police gear, hats and plastic pistols and got in our pretend police car. I looked over to the fake gas station and started laughing uncontrollably. My friend had drawn the BP symbol on a cardboard box for the gas station sign and it was all awkward and terrible looking. I could not stop laughing. I tried to stop by looking away but it didn't help. I would look at it and giggle away. My friend was very upset. He couldn't understand what was so funny. I tried to explain but I was laughing too hard to make sense. He then started to get mad. I couldn't play the game because of that stupid symbol. I said let's do something else through my laughs. He was so pissed about it, he made me leave. Needless to say, I wasn't invited back for a very long time and we never played policeman again. In fact, we were never really very good friends after that. The sad thing is, when I think of that badly drawn BP symbol I still get a chuckle and laugh about it. I am truly warped.
All You Need Is Me
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