A boy is born, pulled kicking and screaming from his mother's womb. This boy did not ask nor want to be born. He would have preferred to have never existed. Where did he come from? Was he created from sperm and egg from man and woman? No one really is sure. This wretched boy was dragged into a world of hate, jealousy, phoniness and meanness. This boy only wanted to love and be loved.
As the boy grew older from baby to young child he learned that to show emotions was frowned upon.
A man doesn't cry or outwardly show feelings or he is a sissy. A crack on the head for being girly.
The boy learns you act like everyone else and dare not be different or you will have no friends. Life is very long when you're lonely. The boy learns to not be idealistic because no matter what you strive for or strive to be, you will always be let down in the end. The boy learns there are no people you can idolize because they always disappoint. Follow orders, do as you're told, always march in lock step with the crowd, that is how you get ahead in life.
School is especially brutal on the boy. Wide eyed and naive, he knows not of the deceit of others.
He trusts and is misled. Eventually bullied and talked about behind his back and to his face. Mercilessly made fun of, he retreats within himself because that is all he has. There is a resolve inside the boy to make it through because there must be a better place that this, well there must be.
Teachers were of no assistance as the boy was a very good student. They cater to the popular. Oh to be popular, this boy will never know how that feels.
The boy grew into adulthood still thinking that there was a place in this modern world where he belonged but knowing deep down he was an outsider and would never fit in. Awkward and shy this boy never really grew up to find a place he was comfortable.
It was a beautiful summer night with the moon gently casting her light and the stars twinkling brightly. There was a solitary figure sitting in a car in the parking lot of a baseball field out in the country. The horrors of life, treachery, deceit, cruelty had taken their toll. He was crying and as the tears softly rolled down his cheeks, he got out of the car. He hooked up a hose from the exhaust pipe and put it into the passenger compartment of his vehicle, got back inside and closed the door. He laid his head back on the head rest and thought about what a disappointment life was and how he would be happy to leave. He breathed in the noxious vapors knowing shortly all the pain and ache would be gone forever. He would not be missed because no one cared about this woeful creature. He started to grow sleepy as the benevolent fumes began to take effect.......................
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