Wednesday, April 13, 2016


This week the cloud image of Our Moz has been all the rage on TTY, FTM, So-Low and Twitter.  My first thought was, it must be a slow news week,  On second thought, did the cloud really resemble Morrissey?  After several glances and comparing it to a real picture, yes it does bear a small resemblance, I suppose.  I wonder who actually first noticed the cloud looked like Moz.  It must have been a true convergence of heaven and earth to produce the conditions to make such a sublime image.
Thank God someone photographed it.

The picture reminded me of those hidden image photos.  I was always really terrible on figuring them out.  It must be my lack of imagination or vision or something like that.

I found this one on the Internet.  In my mind, I see Harrison Ford as the President in the movie "Air Force One" in this image.  Call me crazy but don't call me after 10 because I'll be in bed.

The Moz cloud image also made me think of the episode of Seinfeld where Mr.Pitt was shown one of these photos but couldn't figure it out.  It drove him nuts the whole show,  It was one of my favorite Seinfeld's.

                                                               Mr. Pitt from Seinfeld

The Moz cloud also gave me pause to consider clouds themselves.  In reality, I don't really like clouds (except for the Moz  cloud of course).  Clouds block the sun and I love the sun and being outside on a warm sunny day.  Clouds also cause rain, which I despise because rain stops me from doing what I love, playing tennis and running.  I suppose clouds can be beautiful.  I've never stopped and considered clouds. I guess you could say, I really don't know clouds at all.

                                                                Both Sides Now

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