Sunday, February 28, 2016

Change Is Gonna Come

Several months ago I decided I was going to sit this Presidential election out.  I enthusiastically supported Barack Obama in 2008.  I worked on his campaign, knocked on doors, made phone calls and gave my hard earned money.  Obama's first term was a time of great promise.  All the flowery speeches in the campaign did not quite translate to actual governing.  The filthy republicans opposed everything.  Mitch McConnell said his number 1 priority was making Obama a one term President.  So much for the good of the country.  Obama was able to get a health care bill passed and a stimulus bill which saved the country from going into a devastating depression.  The Bush recession was crushing to the economy.  Due to Obama's steady hand we went from losing 800,000 jobs a month to a positive job growth.  In 2012 I supported Obama's reelection and gave some money.  I decided not to volunteer because I think Obama did ok but could have done better for those like me who helped put him there.  I certainly would never have voted for the vapid, cardboard cutout, Romney.  It became the lesser of 2 evils choice all over again.

My thinking has been, I won't vote for the lesser of 2 evils in 2016.  I saw Bernie Sanders was going to run for President and thought initially, what a quixotic adventure.  I thought he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell.  Bernie has been the only politician I have ever followed on Twitter because I don't think much of politicians.  I know he had always been true to his beliefs, so I always liked to hear his views on matters.  The initial polls had him getting around 3 percent.  None of the so called pundents gave him a chance and I really wasn't paying much attention.

The first part of 2016 saw the intensifying of the campaign.  I had started to pay more attention to what was going on.  I began to read more and watch speeches.  The more I watched, the more I became inspired by Bernie.  For the first time in my life someone spoke about and supported everything I believe in.  Health care for all through medicare should be a right not a privilege.  The income inequality must be reversed now.  The millionaire and billionaire class must start paying their fair share in taxes. Strict regulation of Wall Street and Big Banks. The minimum wage must be raised to $15 per hour.  Something must be done about the in equal justice system for black folks.  We need a different foreign policy, not a war first mentality.  We are in dire need of rebuilding our infrastructure.

Bernie had me hooked.  This guy is the real deal.  It's amazing a 74 year old can inspire folks with words.  He has drawn the biggest crowds by far of any candidate, not that anyone would know it,  The media hardly pays him notice.  I wonder why?  The answer is "Big Money".  Who owns the corporate media?  They would never want to see him elected.  They are completely in the tank for Clinton.  The Democratic candidate of Wall Street.  The party of FDR.  He must be spinning in his grave right now.  Huge PAC's and money coming in for her from the wealthy.  See, they win no matter what. We all lose.  She has the gall to say, she has a plan to severely regulate Wall Street.  She is going to regulate Wall Street after taking millions of dollars in contributions from them?  Its kinda like building a wall on the Mexican border and making the Mexicans pay for it. Clinton voted for the Iraq war.  The worst foreign policy blunder in American history.  It has cost several hundred thousand innocent lives along with trillions of dollars and we are still paying for it today.  Bernie Sanders voted against it.  How anyone who voted for that war can sleep at night with the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands is beyond me.  Don't they have a conscience?
I truly have come to despise most politicians.

The road ahead is quite bleak and difficult.  The meme of inevitability has begun for Clinton.  I will not waver in my support of Bernie Sanders.  He is the only authentic choice there is, if we want to build upon what Obama started.  If Bernie loses, we all lose.  The wealthy win no matter what Republican or Democrat wins, unless its Sanders.  I will not vote for Hillary Clinton in the fall if she wins the Democratic nomination.  I refuse to choose the lesser of 2 evils this time, when we have a candidate who can fundamentally change things for the better for common folks.  I will write in Bernie's name this fall if he does not win,  If not Bernie this fall, I will vote for the cat running for President, Limberbutt McCubbins.  She could do a better job than Clinton or Trump.


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