Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Forgive Someone

                                                               Kelly Gissendaner

The State of Georgia executed a female prisoner yesterday.  Kelly Gissendaner was convicted of hatching a plot to murder her then husband.  Her boyfriend actually committed the murder, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.  She refused a plea deal at the time and was convicted and sentenced to death.

After seeing this on the news last night and reading about it today, I have an overwhelming sense of sadness.  Of course murder is wrong, but do we have the right to kill someone that has been convicted of murder?  Does that make us any better than the murderer?  When does the cycle end?

Apparently Kelly had become a model prisoner.  She earned a degree in theology.  She helped other inmates.  She repented and asked for forgiveness for her crime.  Did she genuinely feel remorse or was it just a ploy to live.  I have no way of judging that as I cannot read her mind.  I give her the benefit of the doubt and say yes she truly felt sorrow for what she did.  What did they accomplish by killing her?  Nothing.  If she would been allowed to live, she could have helped other inmates.  She may have made a difference in someones life that could have made the world a better place.  The neanderthals that are judges and executioners must feel satisfied with themselves for their vengeance.
But I seem to remember a little quote "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord".

The death penalty is an antiquated statute that should have been shelved many years ago.  It is a relic of a past time that a modern society should have no parts of.  I am not saying we should not punish criminals.  A convicted murderer should face the full force of the law.  That should be life in prison with no possible parole.  We should not be killing people who are convicted of crimes.  Can people in society have a little self reflection?  The holier than thou folks who have never done anything wrong or made a mistake.  Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.

I am incredibly sad for Kelly Gissendaner and her family.  My heart aches for her deceased husband and his family.  It is a horrible conundrum for all involved.  Again my question is:  What did we gain by killing this lady?  The stark answer is nothing.  Can we forgive someone?

                                                                   Forgive Someone

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