Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Cloud Appears Above Your Head

A beam of light comes shining down on you.

To vote or not to vote, that is the question.  In the song "World Peace Is None of Your Business", Morrissey says "Each time you vote you support the process".  I understand the sentiment and in a vacuum, yes it's an admirable notion.  The problem in the USA is, If I don't vote, it is guaranteed the Republicans win.  The Democrats are not the bees knees but head and shoulders better for the common man.  The Republicans along with their wealthy and corporate masters would bring back the gilded age of Carnegie, Frick, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, etc.  More wealth for the wealthy, 80 hour work week and crumbs for the rest of us.  The Republicans vote no matter what, so therefor I must vote.  Can you imagine a President McCain or Romney?  How many wars would we be in now?  Syria and Iran to name a few, along with how many hundred thousand U.S. Troops. Also, more tax cuts for those poor abused rich folks, who just are barely surviving.

The question I must ask myself is, who should I vote for in the Democratic Primary Election.  I am considering Bernie Sanders, who is a Senator from Vermont.  He is definitely more aligned with my way of thinking on Minimum Wage, Infrastructure, Tax Policy and Foreign Policy.  If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, I will vote for her.    She is a little too aligned with the wealthy and big business for my liking,  She also voted for the Iraq war resolution as a Senator.  I find that abhorrent.  Even a dope like me knew it was ridiculous to go to war with Iraq and what the results would be.  I also would prefer not to go back to the histrionics of The Clinton's.  Despite all these reservations, she is light years better than any Republican.  I also would like to see a woman become President, it would be historic.  So, yes I am hoping it will be Planet Hillary in 2016 and there's no doubt, I come from another planet baby.

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