Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Passage Of Time

 It's hard to believe that it has been four years since Morrissey lost his beloved Mother. Our Mothers mean everything to us. We only get one. When she is gone, you miss the love you can only receive from your Mum. There are no words I can write that can mitigate the anguish and grief you feel every day. What remain are the memories of your wonderful Mother and the knowledge that someday you will rejoin her. Until then, we soldier on, the best we can. We will always remember that one special person in our lives we call Mother.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

In The Mood For A Melody


It's Saturday July 27, sitting in my back yard on a lovely summer day. I have been watching clips of Morrissey's concert in Las Vegas last night. What a wonderful show. It's great to see Our Moz back on stage to a very enthusiastic welcome from his devoted patrons. First of all, Morrissey looks very fit and healthy. It appears the time away from the limelight has allowed him to recharge his batteries. Second his voice is just superb. I am amazed how it has aged like a fine wine. Seems to me better with age.

The clips I watched from the show were fabulous. There were some very nice surprises in the setlist including Ganglord, Crashing Bores, I Like You, I Will See You In Far Off Places, Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself and Bigmouth Strikes Again.  They all sounded fantastic and Our Moz delivered them the way only he can. He looked healthy and very pleased to be back on stage. We wish Morrissey the best for tonight's concert and the rest of the Vegas shows. Here's hoping for more tour dates. It's always a special time when Our Moz is on the road.


PS: It's great to see the Walker brothers back in the fold. Matt is an absolute beast on the drums.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Vilma Picapiedra

 I've recently been adopted. It's been said you don't pick a cat; they pick you. I have never had a pet because I am so busy with work, working out and playing sports, I felt I wouldn't have enough time to devote and properly care for a pet. Several months ago, my career criminal neighbor was thrown in jail on several new charges. He is not getting out any time soon. He and his sons had several cats. The boys moved in with his father and I thought arrangements for the cats were taken care of. Apparently not. 

One day after work I got out of my vehicle and this cat was meowing. I recognized her as one of the criminal's cats. She was rubbing up against me, rolling around and being quite friendly. I petted her and she followed me to the door. I went inside and didn't think much of it. I got up for work the next morning and to my surprise, the kitty was outside my door waiting for me.  I felt bad I didn't have anything to give her to eat. I petted her for a few seconds and left. After a typical lugubrious day at work, I got home in a lousy mood and the kitty was there waiting for me. What was I to do? She obviously was homeless and hungry. I went to the store and bought her cat food.

She has been here ever since that day. She is mainly an outside cat. She has a safe nest I made for her; she does come inside occasionally. The kitty has her own personality, and she is her own boss. I named her Vilma Picapiedra because for some unknown reason she reminds me of Wilma Flintstone. She is there waiting for me every day in the driveway after work. Vilma is the only person on earth happy to see me, so there is comfort in that. Since it is summer, we sit out in the backyard together after my tennis or workout and enjoy each other's company for the evening. I don't consider her my pet but a lovely animal who lives here with me.

Our Moz is back and looking to be in good health and spirits. There have been several sightings and photos in the last few months. I think the time away from the limelight has done him good in both body and soul.

Morrissey will be doing 4 shows at the House of Blues in Las Vegas that coincide with the reissue of the 2024 remaster of "Beethoven Was Deaf" album. Exciting times in the world of Moz. He also issued a wonderful statement acknowledging what was going on. It was funny, cheeky and quirky. The Mozza we all know and love. My hopes are all goes well at the shows and more dates are announced for a tour. It's always a grand time when Morrissey is on the road doing what he loves.

Friday, January 26, 2024


 I'm very sorry to hear Our Moz is under the weather. It's a shame that the YATQ shows, and the South American tour are cancelled. I hope Our Moz rests up and is up an about soon. Not really sure what all is going on in his life right now. All I can offer are my best wishes and support that everything turns out favorably for Our Moz. Get well soon.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Dream On

 It's Sunday afternoon on January 14th. It is a brutally cold winter day here in the barren tundra known as my so-called life. I was looking forward to watching the Steelers playoff game versus Buffalo, but it has been cancelled by a major winter storm. I can't go outside, so here I sit.

I thought I would relate a dream I had last week because nothing in my life is very interesting, but I do have some odd dreams. It was relatively short and was right before I woke up, so I remembered it. I was at a Morrissey concert. The concert was in a church, and I was in the third row of the pews. It was the last song of the show before the encore. It was Morrissey from 1984 dressed in all white wearing those brown horned rimmed glasses. It was not The Smiths because present day Boz Boorer was the guitar player. I can't remember anyone else in the band but Boz. Morrissey sang "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others".  As soon as the song was over, he left the stage and went over and sat in the first row of the pews on the left side of the stage with Boz. He started looking at an iPad and was engrossed in whatever he was doing. I turned my head for a second to look around the church at the crowd. I turned back and Our Moz was gone. I was sad that we weren't going to have an encore, and then at that moment I woke up. Back to reality, unfortunately the delights of going to work were calling. Ah yes, the mundane life of Harrison.

In news from the real world. Our Moz has posted several photos of him in Paris. I wonder why he is in Paris? Do you think he could be "Throwing his arms around Paris"? Well anyways he looks content at being in La Ville Lumier. Au revoir.